Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rachel was on Letterman last night

As is well documented, I love her.

Yes, I still like him (even though the man is creepy).

Together, it is like peas and carrots.

The big reveal here: Rachel liked Glenn Beck before he became Fox News Channel's resident weeper.

And something I just thought of: If the new Speaker of the House went on Glenn Beck, which one of them would cry first?

(For the record, I don't care that either of them cry. I cry at movies (Toy Story 3 for instance), when holding my son, when thinking about my life and choices at three in the morning. If they feel the need to emote about what bothers them, I understand. I just don't understand that when they cry about the children and the future, the don't realize that suggesting cuts to education or denying them health care is causing harm.)

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