Thursday, December 16, 2010

Talk about the passion

I used to love R.E.M.. Well, everyone loved R.E.M. back in the day. Think back to the late '80s and early '90s (those of you who can, I know some of you were like seven or something when Green came out) and there was always appropriate song by R.E.M. for that mix to make you look all the better.

After Up, I guess I gave up (no pun intended)on them. It wasn't that I didn't still love them, but like The Smiths, the represented a time in my life that had passed.

Well, because of a couple of different things, I have started listening to the Smiths again (Thank you, David Cameron!) and conversations with friends (like Teacher Dave) have gotten me thinking about R.E.M. again. you well know, thinking is not doing, and I haven't added them to my iPhone yet...even after getting the backup drive with my music out...

And then, Dave Bry introduced me to this song and I listened to it once, twice, and three times.

I really like this song, reminds me of classic R.E.M. and it fills me with happy memories, of great music and sunny days and being young.

And I have a smile on my face...

Via The Awl.

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