Wednesday, February 23, 2011

15 Vocalists?

(Maura tagged me on Facebook with this meme.)

The rules: Don't take too long to think about it. Fifteen vocalists that will always stick with you. List the first fifteen you can recall in no more than five minutes.
(Starting at 2:26)
1. Liz Phair
2. Robert Smith
3. Morrissey
4. John Darnielle
5. Meghan Ball
6. Sinead
7. Johnny Cash
8. Thom Yorke
9. Elvis Costello
10. Sting
11. Bruce Springsteen
12. Kurdt Cobain
13. Courtney Love
14. Paul Simon
15. Colin Hay
(Completed at 2:28)


Be nice. Sign your name.