Friday, February 25, 2011

On Commenters and Commenting

Roughly a week and a half ago, The Awl put up their guidelines for commenting on the site.

Two stuck out:

*You are responsible for yourself, which is the greatest freedom of all.
*People can easily mistake your sarcasm for assholism, if you're not careful.

Over the past couple of evenings, I have been hit with a number (where X > 10) of wonderfully anonymous (and reasonably vitriolic) attacks on my character, parentage, and abilities as a man sexually as well as my sexual preference. Because they were on older posts, I had the ability to moderate them, and because they were by name, I chose not to let them see the light of day.

Not because they were awful, but because they were completely anonymous and I did not want to try to figure out who they were from.

Some of them, I am sure, were an attempt to be witty, and some of them were personal attacks based on my "superficial douchiness" but...they do not really matter in the grand scheme of things.

What it got me thinking about is the free-for-all that is teh intertubes (yeah, I went there, and there is a point for using this outdated term). Sarah Palin's fake account (allegedly Lou Sarah was Sarah Palin's nom de facebook) was deleted from Facebook because "Facebook has always been based on a real name culture. This leads to greater accountability and a safer and more trusted environment for our users. It’s a violation of our policies to use a fake name or operate under a false identity...", but others who would wonderfully criticize Sarah Palin are willing to use anonymity or obviously false accounts to promote their own agenda. Bangs and a Bun asked, as have been often asked for the last decade, "Are anonymous comments killing blogs?"

Well, are they?

I don't spend a lot of time blogging, nor writing long form blog entries. I used to but then something changed. As I have said, this is a clearing house for what I find interesting or novel and YMMV.

I guess what I am asking is that if I am taking the time to share what I find interesting, and you feel the need to disagree with me, or insult my looks, intelligence, demeanor, or the interactions I have with others, at least take the time to sign your name so that I know who I am talking to. I do not leave anonymous comments, as they are anathema to my vision of the web and accountability (that is implied) for one's words and I am asking the same of you.

Or not.

It is your call.

But, if I am that awful, conceited, devious, and "a mouthpiece for hippies and Socialists", why are you bothering to read? Why bother to take the time to comment? Do you have that little going on in your life that you want to try to affect me with your words?

I welcome your retort and I look forward to what you have to say (multiple yous), so long as you are willing to sign your name.

That does not mean that I will agree with you, or even take your suggestions seriously, but it will make you feel better about yourself.

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