Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wonderful Things from my Life on the Web

  • Sarah Palin may be my favorite snowbilly hick right now.  She is commenting on her own Facebook fan page using the account Lou Sarah.
  • Chris Matthews' President of the World was interesting, in a fawning sort of way.  The Huffington Post decide to have some fun with it, showing how it would look if other networks produced it.
  • If you set yourself a limit of $20 for fresh food for the week, would using $0.90 of change be cheating if you didn't count it against your total?  I say, "yes".
  • The Sounds have a new album coming out and they streamed their new single last night, Something to Die For. I happen to like it, but, I like the Sounds and I am willing to understand those who don't care for them.  Understand does not necessarily translate to "like" though. 
  • When I find myself agreeing with Mike Lupica, there is a problem.  Especially when it comes to NBA basketball, which I only try to maintain enough attention to so that I do not look like even more of an idiot. Yep, the Knicks got played, and 'Melo, while very good, will not be the savior of the franchise.
  • As I mentioned on Facebook, I created a playlist in iTunes called "Superficial Douche" and if I do so say myself, it is a wonderfully quirky mixture of indie and faux indie rock. 
  • I just applied for what may be my dream job.  I will be sure to post cryptic updates about the pace of my application.
  • "It would be quite an accomplishment for Union, the last-place team in the ECAC four short years ago, to be the champion. But I’m guessing that a first appearance in the NCAA tournament as a Division I team would mean a whole lot more to the Dutchmen. And, really, it should mean something to all of the ECAC and show those teams that are struggling to get by now that better times might not be too far away." USCHO Tuesday Morning Quarterback

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