Sunday, February 20, 2011

Music on a Sunday

After listening to The King of Limbs almost constantly for 24 hours, I needed something else to listen to. (Don't get me wrong, I really like this...album, I suppose, but it has a long way to go to becoming my favorite.)

After running errands (in the deceptively cold weather), I came home to read (Feed: zombies, politics and social media. It is more than a little awesome. If you are looking for something interesting, at least as mind candy goes, pick it up at your local independent bookstore.) and I turned on Music Choice's Adult Alternative station, which was enlightening for several reasons:

  • Every time I hear Jack Johnson, I think not of his status but that he recorded essentially a children's album that my son enjoyed.  So, when most people think of him, they have this image, and I have an image of my toddler enjoying music that I did not find cloying or annoying.
  • David Gray released an album last year and I totally did not hear about it.  Seeing that I went to see him (by myself) last year, I assumed that it would have popped up on my radar.  Thank you iTunes for making things like this easy to get.
  • I like Matt Nathanson.  A couple of years ago, Shauna told all her friends to start listening to and adoring this guy.  I heard what she had to say, gave it a try, and promptly forgot about it.  Flash forward to this afternoon where I was happily reading and barely listening to the music in the background...and then I heard a song that got me paying attention to the lyrics.  This is almost unheard of for me when reading, and I looked up and saw it was Matt Nathanson.  To say that I was chagrined would be an understatement.  Anyway, after a phone call (where the funniest line she has ever uttered was released), including an apology, and a couple of e-mails, I am now listening to various live and rare tracks hand selected.
One last thing...

The Mountain Goats are scheduled to be on Letterman on Wednesday.  Set your DVRs or VCRs or just wait for the clip to show up on YouTube.

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