Monday, February 21, 2011

Slow start to a Monday

I stayed up so I could finish rereading Feed last night, and when 12:30 rolled around, I wasn't tired. This was a badness because I had a webinar at 6:30 this morning. (The joys of being interested in OpenERP and having the webinar originating from Germany.)

At 4:00 am (after a snafu with my iPhone that required not one but two calls to customer support, AT&T was great, by the way), I decided that I needed some sleep in order to be remotely functional.

At 6:00, my alarm went off, I started up my laptop, and hit snooze. At 6:09, the alarm went off again, I logged into my account and into the site and hit snooze again. At 6:19, I hit snooze one more time.

At roughly 6:30 or so, I rolled over, put on my glasses and realized that I was signed into the webinar, that my camera was on, and that those who were interested in looking at me had been abe to watch me sleeping, and probably snoring, for the last twenty minutes. (This was one of my fears and I thought I had turned Auto-Camera On off.)

I quickly turned off the camera and heard nothing of the webinar because I was mortified that someone watched me sleep.


After the thing, I went back to bed, and had disturbing dreams about being followed around on camera. It a word...awful.

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