Thursday, February 24, 2011

And my rewiring skills fail me...

While I was running errands this morning, I realized two things:

1. My laptop was not charged.
2. I had broken the AC Adapter for it.

Being the geek that I am, I quickly cut the cable to find the break to see if I could fix it. It looked easy enough. I then headed home, with a stop at the local hardware store for supplies (flux and electrical tape).

With an impending sense of pride in my soon to be completed fix, I started my work. It wasn't difficult work, and the connection was fairly large, so...easy, right?

Well, no.

When everything was put back together, and tested, it wouldn't work. Adding injury to insult, a drop of solder can quickly burn through pants and skin. (Again, my bad for not wearing proper PPE.)

Luckily for me, I have a backup and ASUS has overnight shipping.

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