Friday, February 25, 2011

The news in brief

  • Yes, there is a weather catastrophe going on out there and I advise all people who live on or around I-90 from Massachusetts to Montana to take care when commuting. It was a bad enough weather day, that pick-ups for the Habitat ReStore have to be rescheduled.
  • I saw a headline this morning on MSNBC's Morning Joe (on the crawl at the bottom) that said "Air Pollution Causes More Heart Attacks Than Cocaine" and the first thing I thought was, "Ummm...of course, it does, almost everyone is exposed to poor air quality, while I know very few people who use blow."  Then I thought about it more and realized what a cheat that crawl was.  Anyway, it was more reporting on the story that I posted yesterday about air quality and cyclists, but the cocaine thing was a nice touch. The D
  • The GOP on Obama's DOMA defense (or lack thereof), "Meh."
  • In this morning's Washington Post, Eugene Robinson has an opinion piece on what the U.S. and the world should do regarding Libya. "Unambiguous, muscular words and credible threats are the least we can do for the people of Libya. Even by that low standard, we are falling woefully short."
  • Banksy has a Twitter Feed.  Who knew?
  • Westboro Baptist Church (Fred Phelps and company, you know "God Hates Fags", et cetera) claims Anonymous (Hackers and 4Chan-ers who are easily upset about things like Scientology and Wikileaks prosecutions) is threatening them.  Anonymous states that this is not the case. WBC persists in this argument. Anonymous hacks WBC because, "Your continued biting of the Anonymous hand, however, has earned you a swift and emotionless bitchslap, in the form of this very message. Despite having had the capability to hack your sites previously, we chose not to and instead responded maturely to your threats, but you have not respected this."
  • RENT is returning to Off-Broadway.  I don't know how I feel about this, even though I did sing Santa Fe in the shower this morning.
  • And answer me honestly, did anyone see the "Two and a Half Men" debacle turning out any differently? Charlie Sheen's interview was a classic.

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