Thursday, April 7, 2011

30 Songs in 30 Days - Day 12

Day 12 – A song from a band you hate

This may surprise some, and other already know this, but I fucking* hate the Eagles. HATE!

Thinking about them just made me have a hategasm of Diet Coke all over my keyboard.

Now, I know some of you are going to whine, "But why? They're great."

No. You're wrong. You are also an idiot.

Their laid back California infused country/roots rock was done much better by CCR (and Forgerty did not write nonsensical seven minute long songs about bad acid trips and then chalk them up to something "mystical" and spiritual) and they wallowed in their own self importance.

Now individually, some of their music is not bad. I have music by Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh on my iPod (and two songs by Don Henley, both off of "Building the Perfect Beast", because everything else he has done is insufferable) and I find them enjoyable.

With that above, I was not going to put a song up from the Eagles, but...I was willing to cheat and put up one from Glenn Frey.

I do love this song, and I have a montage in my head that appears in my soon to be made biopic set to it.

Yes, it is a cheat. I admit it and you know it. You also know in your heart of heart that the people who claim that "I love the Eagles" are even worse people than I am, and I own the fact that I am a superficial douche.

*Yes, I said "fuck". I also sprayed Diet Coke on my netbook because I was so angry. Yeah, I don't use hate often, but I have a fully rational hate of the Eagles and the majority of their "fans".

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