Thursday, April 7, 2011

Things to do in Albany - Wiffle Ball

When was the last time you played wiffle ball? Were you ten? Was it something fun to do while you were in college? Were you in one of those hipster leagues when you lived in Brooklyn?

Would you be willing to play just for fun in Albany? I am thinking some weeknight, in Washington Park, starting at 6 and playing until dark and then heading over to Susie's for a couple of post game beers?

So...I am putting it out there and I am willing to put dates out there as well, but I am trying to gauge interest?

Anyone? Frye?

If you are interested, here is the Facebook Event Page. The date is still TBD.

(And would you like to play by the official rules or play it like baseball?)

JMFJT, a while ago, had expressed interest in playing kickball, so...maybe the groups could alternate. Kick ball one week, and wiffle the next.


  1. I am in! Any sport, in any park, with a follow up at any bar.

  2. @JT I knew that you would. Much like the Madison Grille promise, regardless of anything else, we will both be playing Wiffle Ball!

  3. Please get an extra person that will be able to run for my debilitated self. THEN I am in.

  4. @JT Really? Even Papi can run for himself...or at least amble.

  5. I'd so be there if I lived on your side of the world.

  6. Dan, I know you love living in the OC (yeah, I called it that) but think of all the new restaurants you could explore around here!


Be nice. Sign your name.