Monday, April 4, 2011

Rediscovered Album

When Pinkerton first came out, and in the years following, I wasn't one of the people who hated it. Not that I was effusive in my praise for it, but I thought that is was a very good album. Then, for some reason that I cannot really speak to, I stopped listening to it.

Over the past couple of weeks, the album had been mentioned to me by a couple of different people, and for a couple of different reasons, and I talked about it but...I hadn't listened to it in years.

Last night, while dicking around, I decided to give it a listen...again.

Why did I stop listening to this album?

Why did I waste time on other albums when this album existed? Not that it is going to replace other albums that I listen to as full albums (OK Computer, Tallahassee) but being added to the rotation.

There are a lot of people who do not like Weezer, and I get that (I heard "Beverly Hills" while in transit yesterday and I thought about how...awful it was...and stayed silent) as some people think of them as the "Sweater Song" guys, or that Rivers is some sort of superficial douche (well, he may be that, am I, and a couple of people like me and I am not nearly as talented as he is) but I implore you to give this album a shot.

Anyway, this is my favorite song on the album.

Pink Triangle

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