Monday, April 4, 2011

30 Songs in 30 Days - Day 9

Day 09 – A song that you can dance to


Now many people would say that "none" is the answer to this question, and that is fair enough, because I cannot dance at all. Never have been able to, never will be able to, never hope to be able to, and I do distrust people that dance well, especially as adults.

That being said, even as an adult, I will be willing to dance. This is partially because I am never afraid of making a fool of myself (and the psychosis behind that I will leave open to your imagination) and partially because I like having a good time and dancing is fun as well as being communal and something that is rarely socially acceptable (though it should be).

There is one song that will get me dancing whenever I hear it, and that is as close to this as I can come, because, and ask anyone who has seen me try, I cannot dance.

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