Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What is the meaning behind this?

Earlier in the day, in a conversation with a friend about the childfree movement, carbon taxes, and sustainability, I brought up that when talking about population explosions, one had to look at the impact of modern medicine in LDEs, where the rate of children living had skyrocketed because of things like antibiotics, sanitation and vaccinations, and not because people were breeding more. It is just that more children are living, and then asked, very snarkily (hey, I was cranky), if they would prefer the situation where modern medicine was removed from the "redacted" so that more of their children would die.

Why am I bringing this up, and why did I use such an awful phrase as "redacted"? For the same reason? Because while we were talking about policy issues from a fifty thousand foot view, we were also dealing with the metric of death. Who has the right (and the luck) to live and who is going to die?

It is a craptacular argument and hard to have.

Then, while watching the Mets game, I saw the below commercial.

This commercial makes no argument about being both Pro-Life and Pro-Choice.

What? How is that?

Watch it again?

Pro-Choice groups are not always Pro-Abortion, they are for reproductive freedom and they refusal of intrusive government rules and mandates on what should be a private medical decision between a patient and their medical professional. What it comes down to is a privacy issue...but...I have gotten waylaid, which is easy to do when talking about this topic.

Anyway, this commercial states that HIV is not a death sentence for a fetus, which means that if you were going to justify your choice of aborting your pregnancy only because you did not think that you could deal with a HIV+ child, you don't have to.

This commercial gives answers to both sides, that both sides can embrace.

Anyway, regardless of what side you are on, and regardless if you do not like children, you should go to One.org, sign your name, because no child should be born with HIV. Life is difficult enough, around the world, for children. Why make it harder than it has to be?

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