Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Morning Looking Up

(As opposed to Sunday Morning Coming Down)

Song that deserves to be remade

Teacher Dave and I were talking about this song the other day. It is an incredibly dark song about addiction and relapse and it has not aged well. Part of it is the synthetically awful Casio tinged keyboard tones, part of it is the drum machine, and part of it is because it evokes a certain feeling of the '80s and not the good part.

So, here is my suggestion...some act that plays down and dirty rock and roll should remake this song. I would listen to it.

Image all the people
I saw this the other day and it still bothers me.
Things like this often bother me. Not that there is an obvious mistake, everyone makes those, including me (see the lack of editing on this post and/or entire site.) but that a really nice image and idea was ruined by something that could have been corrected by the designer asking someone else to take a look. (For the record, I do not know who designed it, and this is not a veiled or passive aggressive attack on someone. I just think that it was a great flyer ruined by something silly.)

FAILBlog has things like this all the time, and while some of them are quite amusing, most of them just irritate me. This like this prove one of two things: People too busy to care about quality control or people who do not care about quality control at all. One is an issue that can be remedied with staffing and training and the other makes me weep for the future.

Self Abuse
Last night, someone who knows me quite well, asked me not to do something today for my benefit and offered me options to do other things, and I insisted that I would be fine. Well, they were correct. I am, and will continue to remain, an idiot. In this vein, if you are not using RunKeeper to keep track of your activities, what are you using? A number of people I know use Daily Mile but I do not like it as much. Anyway, just askin'.

Ponies that are not "My Little"
WRGB (aka CBS 6 Albany) has a handful of programs that I will watch. HIMYM is the only scripted series that I enjoy though I will watch BBT when I catch it. However, they do news quite well. 60 Minutes is the gold standard. CBS Sunday Morning is wonderful and Face The Nation is my Sunday Morning Talking Head Program Of Choice (from now on SMTHPOC) and now that John Dickerson is the Political Director for CBS News and on the program every week I do make time to watch it. My SMTHPOC was supposed to be a hour long this past Sunday with the first half being an interview with Vice President Biden (which was great) and the second half being the "regular" show. At 10:59, I was told that most local affiliates had decided to keep with the second half hour and I assumed because I live in the CD which is the seat of power for one of the largest economies in the world that some of the people living around here would want to see what the talking heads had to say.



CBS 6, who was watching this? Better question, were you better serving the public by showing F***ING CARTOON PONIES over a news program? I am being serious about this question? Were you acting in the public trust by doing this? Did you think that no one would notice or just that no one would care?

Get back to me on this.

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