Friday, April 6, 2012

Seasons Change With the Scenery

I could not find a decent version of the S&G version

Union Hockey
Yes, Union lost to Ferris State last night. Yes, it was disappointing. Yes, it was our game to win or lose and we lost.

I would like to thank the Union College Skating Dutchmen for a great season.

I am proud of my membership in the Union Community. Many of the people I love were met there and the my strongest relationships were formed there. A large part of the man that I am today (for good and for bad) owes genesis from the Brook the Bounds.

This Union Hockey team, as FAU mentioned last night, made the alumni jealous of those who were still on campus because they were experiencing something that we never were able to.

Way to Go Union!

And now from winners to...The Mets
Yay! Baseball is back! The Mets won, beating the Braves 1-0, and Johan pitched as if he were back to form. I know that it is wrong, and with this team...stupid, to extrapolate an entire season from one game but...I hope that R.A. Dickey will be able to continue the good vibes and great start to the season.

Continuing with Baseball

Remember the New Era commercials from last year with the estimable Alec Baldwin and some goofy looking guy (John Krasinski, or something like that. He was in that whale movie.) talking about their love of their teams.

New Era has a new commercial out, highlighting what it means to be a fan: irrational love of a team and irrational hatred of another.

Two things that have popped up. Keith may have been let go because of an onset tantrum/meltdown. Time Warner Cable may drop Current because of low ratings.

The Daily News offers their opinion about where Keith should end up.

The Weekend
It is Passover. It is Easter Weekend. For me, it is another weekend. My hope is that those of you that are choosing to spend time with loved ones on this weekend get the most out of it and that you appreciate the people that you are with.

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