Thursday, April 5, 2012

This could be an amazing day!

Union Hockey
Thanks, Doug!
Union plays Ferris at 4:30 today. (See you local provider for television details.)

There has been some interesting press on this, including this piece in the WSJ, Dear Alma Mater: I'm Sorry.

To say that I am excited about this would be an understatement. To say that I am proud of my alma mater would be a gross oversimplification.

From the Concordiensis: Hockey History: Dutchmen skates to success on and off the ice

Go U!

And for those of you who do not care about hockey...
Baseball is back and the Mets are back this afternoon!

Oh, by the way, the guy who wrote and directed Field of Dreams...Union alum. Ayup.

The Mets play at one and then the Dutchmen play at 4:30. This is a great sports day.

Presented without comment
I saw this image floating around yesterday and I felt the need to share it.

Thank you to All Over Albany for including me in the What's Up in the Neighborhood post for this week.

What is Facebook was invented in 1994?

Via Nerd With Swag


Things that I forgot to add earlier.

Another E-Card That I Love - My therapist is glad I'm moving on from you

Guy to Woman: Well, I just finished that Ron Paul book if you want to come over and borrow it.
Woman: **starry eyed**

After I recounted this to my assembled friends: "Only a RPI Girl"

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