Sunday, April 1, 2012

Superb Sunday

Loving Timeline
Thanks to Facebook Timeline, this photo was commented upon on Facebook Friday and yesterday and that made me happy.

The picture is from June 2010 and it shows TEA and I playing laser-tag after we have suited up. That there were people commenting positively about what is one of the better times that TEA and I have had together made me very happy. Happy about Timeline, social media in general, and the people that are my friends.

The Worst Movie Ever

Are any of you familiar with "Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer"? Yeah, I did not think so. TEA wanted to watch it on Friday night after ribs and fries and I agreed. (NetFlix Instant is great that way.) He fell asleep so we finished it on Saturday. Watch the trailer and then think on this statement from my brother.

"This movie should be subtitled, "Heather Graham needs to pay her mortgage.""

Well played, hermano, well played.

(Janet Varney is in this as well. The reason I bring this up is that I have had a crush on her for a while and last night, like a number of other women I have crushed on from afar, I found out that she had been in a relationship with Chris Hardwick.)

Being active
I thought about taking yesterday off from running and any type of long walk because my butt was really sore. (Yes, I know that some of you are going to run with that statement. Go ahead. It is a gift.) However, around five, I started feeling antsy* and wanted to get out and do something. I did a really abbreviated warm up, three miles, and then a quick cool down. (Most of my runs have been in that range. I need to take a break but I do not want a blank space on my calender.

So, I am trying to figure out what I want to do today. What I really want to do is go for a hike but the weather does not look conducive to it. I should go for a run, which is probably what I am going to do. (I have not even thought of the route. Maybe RT 7 to McChesney and out that way, is cold and wet outside. Oh, and if someone says "What about a treadmill?" they will be dead to me like the others.) I am looking forward to the weather being consistently good so that I can cross train effectively. For now, I am going to do some yoga and meditate about how awesome coffee is. Any ideas, please text me.

If the weather was a little nicer, I would go for a bike ride. Thanks to Google Maps, it would look like an 8 Bit Adventure.

Awesome, no?

Read more about it at

Nook Tablet
Do you want your Nook Tablet to act more like a Tablet and less like a Nook but you do not want to root it? There is a way to Dual Boot it. FAU, I am thinking of you as I am posting this, but @danap2170, you should try it too.

TEA and Vacation
TEA and I were supposed to go to Florida next week for spring break. See what I did there? Past tense. There are a number of reasons for this but the one that it overriding is that TEA does not want to fly. Going to Florida generally requires the use of an airplane, though there are other ways to do it. Now, I thought about pressing the issues, but I was afraid that his fears would lead to a panic attack on the plane and that would me a) vacation was ruined and b) TEA was traumatized, and here is where my fear would come in...I would be more concerned with spring break being ruined than with my son who was having a panic reaction. I do not ever want to be that dad.

The Great Beer Walk of 2012
I have been doing some asking around and I am trying to gauge the interest for this. It would, in all likelihood, be in either Troy or Schenectady on a late spring or early summer Saturday afternoon. Any preferences?

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