Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday Morning (Posted from bed)

• I do not know why I am craving radishes right now but...I am. I did not like them when I was a child and I do not remember when I came to associate them with summer. I doubt that there will be any at the Troy Riverfront Farmers' Market. (And if you have not been, or claim in error that there is another north of NYC that is better, check yourself before you are exposed as the dilettante that you are.

• All Over Albany asked this week who had the best tacos (Fish Tacos at Bros Tacos was my response, naturally.) The question did get me thinking though. Who has the best breakfast taco or burrito in the area (not to get into another discussion of what is the "best" of anything) or more to the point, where can I get a good breakfast taco around here?

• Being spoiled by great March weather has left me a little irked by sunny and 34 this morning. It does impact my ability to do what I want outside. Like...ride my bike as I have been advised against running until I heal up. *le sigh*

• Finally, this made me giggle and is appropriate for this weekend.


  1. I think Bros does a "breakfast-style" burrito with eggs and chorizo, but I've never had it.

    RE: Troy Farmer's Market - I have *heard* (I have never been, so I can't offer my own opinion) that the Saratoga Market was ranked 2nd in the nation or something. I also happen to think that, while not BETTER, the Schenectady Greenmarket is *comparable*, and I do go there sometimes as they have a couple of vendors I really like that aren't at Troy. However, this is a personal preference more than anything, and Troy IS more convenient for me (and, from an objective standpoint, yes, it is better).

    1. Oh, I should have thought of Bros. they do almost everything well. I gave my love to them on AoA this week.

      I was thinking more about places out if the area. I went to one this autumn that was just silly compared to the awesomeness that is the TRFM.


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