Thursday, December 30, 2010

And I had almost given up on it...

I slept like a normal human being. I went to bed at 11:00 and I slept through to seven. I dreamed pleasant dreams about pleasant things, and apart from being sore from Habitat, I feel great.

After the past two weeks or so, I had given up on normal sleep patterns. I even asked Teacher Dave if he thought I had turned into a old because of the bizarre patterns.

Maybe this is anomalous (as my dataset is far too small to draw any conclusions) but I am hopeful.

Wait...not hopeful...I am just well rested.

Yesterday was tough. Around 1:30, I started getting the chills that I always associate with being overtired. That feeling akin t your body asking you, "Hey men, what do you think you are doing to me?", but I was able to soldier on.

Welcome back sleep, you were missed.

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