Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Tale of Two Films

I saw two films in the theater today.

The first one was at the suggestion of TEA and it was The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It wasn't bad, but the Christian allegory that the entire series is hit full force.

Lucy: Will you visit us in our world?
Aslan: Lucy, I am known by a different name in your world. You knew me briefly here so you could know me better in your world.

TEA and I had a conversation about this on the way home, and he asked what Aslan meant. I went on to ask him about the entire series so far. Aslan is killed, sacrificing himself for his people, yet returns briefly to guide his friends/flock, and then returns to his kingdom. When his supporters arrive at his kingdom, he informs them that only the noble of heart can enter and once one has entered, they can never return to the world.

I asked, "TEA, who does this sound like?"


"No, buddy, not a superhero."

"Is it Jesus?"

This evening, FAU, ECS and I saw True Grit. Before that though, we met up at a corporate chain bar/restaurant (that is known for their baby back baby back baby back baby back ribs) for some beer, conversation, and the end of the Pinstripe Bowl.

The film was great. It is easily one of the best films of the year (and FAU and I talked about how it was easy to say that because this was an awful year for films). It was a well done film, but it did not feel like a Coen Brothers film.

At one point during the film, I did look at my friends and stated, "We should get handguns."

It was (not surprisingly, given the directors and the source material) a darkly funny film and well worth the time spent in the theater.

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