Friday, December 31, 2010

Randomness to end the year

I was able to sleep, eventually, last night, but as I feared, I was plagued with odd dreams.

It seemed like on continuous dream but in it my uncle was back in the hospital because someone fed him a nice meal that happened to disagree with him, and as I was talking with my mother and brother, I ate a piece of chocolate with the metal wrapper still on it. I went looking for a place to spit this out, and I ended up in a conference room. After I had cleared my mouth of the refuse, I spied a large monitor on the wall and decided to watch porn on it. After a little bit of time, a group of people walked in and started talking about various people. It turned out that this was a search committee for a job, and I had interacted with the candidates. I recommended "Chantelle" and then had to leave.

As I said, it was odd.

Yesterday, as TEA and I were discussing Narnia, he brought up reincarnation as well as the possibility of preternatural existence. I was at a loss to point out the flaws in his argument and that disturbed me a little. If these are things he wants to believe in, that's okay, but I still have trouble understanding. It did prompt a conversation about karma and such and I was able to use my standard line regarding this. The universe doesn't care.


It did get this song stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

Which isn't a bad song to end one year and start another.

I have made a couple of resolutions for the upcoming year and the one that I am going to share here is that in my home, I will be a dietary vegan, which isn't that hard to do and I will try to maintain a vegetarian lifestyle out of the home. I will make mistakes, and I won't be a zealot but...I just feel better when I am not consuming animal flesh and that is what is about.

And then there is this from


  1. Veganism? Did this happen because of a bad recent experience with the pseudo-meat known as Scrapple?

  2. Not at all. I wanted to do it earlier but the Holidays made it difficult. It is really easy to keep the house vegan and I do feel a lot better when I am not burdened the extra weight.


Be nice. Sign your name.