Thursday, December 30, 2010


Once upon a time, I was excited for New Year's Eve, not because I was planning on doing anything special, but because Snooki was going to be in the center of the "Ball" in Times Square.

Why this excited me? I don't know.

I know some people have issues with her, but I feel that she is the apex of a particular branch of evolution that has been going on for tens of years. She is who she is and there isn't anything wrong with that.

So, when going through Gawker to see what I missed, I almost wept when I read that it wasn't going to happen.

Apparently, according to the site Pop Eater, because MTv didn't ask nicely if they could allow Snooki to do this, Mayor Bloomberg has banned her from Times Square. (Or at least that is how the headline reads, the content of the story is different, but...go with the headline, statistically that's what America reads. (and by America, I mean the Fox News crowd)

So, I stand in solidarity with Snooki (like a modern Lech Walesa) and I will refuse to set foot in Times Square on NYE! Sorry, Ryan Seacreast, you won't have me to pander to.



  2. Thank you for the information. I appreciate it.


Be nice. Sign your name.