Monday, December 27, 2010

Where is the Heat Miser when you need him?

How are you doing this morning, world?

Are you surviving the snowpocalypse? (I will admit that I have been out to play in it twice already because…Hell, it is fun…it also made me miss Curly all the more) I love how it makes the surrounding countryside look though I do feel for my friends who are stuck on the east coast with their *gasp* families until the airports figure everything out.

One of the reasons I have been able to go how and play twice in the snow is because I have been up since 3:00. Not just was I up, but I was wide awake. That clear headed awake that you only expect from fighter pilots.

Why? I have no clue. Though, I was assuming it was a lot closer to 6:30 when I got dressed to enjoy the weather and was surprised when the clock in the living room flashed 3:21 at me.

I do hope that my sleep patterns are able to return to normal…like today.

(As a housekeeping thing, my iPhone is being really weird. Please do not expect an immediate response from me.)

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