Monday, March 28, 2011

Concentrating the personal brand

(Or more wanking...)

As many of you are well aware of, I use AFM as a clearing house, and also as a test bed. I have used it in the past to see what drives traffic, especially in the Albany area, and what people find interesting (parsing demo info is always fun, especially with the variety of tools that are available out there) so that I am better informed about what is...zeitgeistie...I guess.

I have been interested in app creation for a while and playing with the idea of creating my own, but...I am really bad a coding. Really bad. Scripting, I am okay at that, but I am not a developer and I never will be one. It is beyond my scope and I accept that.

So, I was looking for ways to create an app for AFM (which I admit is wanking of the highest caliber) and last week, while I was trying to figure out the easiest way to do it, I came across AppMakr.

What AppMakr does with very little effort is helps with a simple web interface app for the iOS platform.

There is also a wonderful app simulator so you can see what your app will look like before you submit it to Apple. (Oh, and you have to sign up as an Apple Developer as well and I believe the least expensive option for that is $99.)

Here is what my app would look like:

Not bad looking, right?

So...before I go forward with this, I would like to ask people to tell me if they have any app development experience and more to the point, are there better WYSIWYG app creators out there?

And...would you install this free app?

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