Friday, April 1, 2011

30 Songs in 30 Days - Day 6

Day 06 – A song that reminds you of somewhere

An old friend, Angelo, introduced me to this song when Erik and I had a radio show on WRUC in 1995 (they were signed to a local label, EVR) but I did not really listen to it until the fall of 1999 when I found a copy of one of our radio shows and this song was on it.

Whenever I hear it, I am brought back to driving down State Street in Albany (upper State, by the park) on a rainy morning with the wonderful autumn leaves still on the tree but on the ground as well. It was fall, I was happy, and this song "spoke" me about...well...not to be too sentimental about it but...young yet thwarted love that everyone feels, even those of us who are old enough to know better.

And Meaghan Ball's voice is still amazing.

A couple of years ago, I went to the internets to find out what had happened to Meaghan Ball (and yes, I was a Texas is the Reason fan because of Copper) and I discovered another band that I love. Holy Roman Empire.

If it wasn't for that rainy weekday morning, on State Street, I do not know what my musical tastes would look like today.

For a great write-up on this song, please go to this post at My Ghetto.

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