Sunday, March 27, 2011

My weekend, in a nutshell

There was (at the beginning) a much longer post that got into far too many details about my weekend, because too long (2900 words or thereabouts) and it displayed far too much of my crazy, for both good and bad, and I decided to share that with the relevant actors in that story but...


Dan and Laura's rehearsal for their wedding. It was great, it was fun, and it made me happier about the institution of marriage.


The big secret. Shauna's surprise birthday party at Brown's.

It was a surprise and Shauna was shocked. Everyone involved did well.

Shauna and two of her best friends from High School

And on Saturday, there was Laura and Dan's wedding.

It was amazing. There were tears of joy, happiness, and laughter, especially when Laura "Rick Rolled" not just the groom, but everyone at the wedding. It was, by far, the most fun ceremony I have ever witnessed.

They make a beautiful couple.

There you have it!


  1. Looks like a wonderful weekend. I'm pretty sure you had a blast!

  2. @Carol Your URL is...interesting.


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