Thursday, March 31, 2011

Subconscious desires for the win

I was walking down a beach in Mexico with X. How do I know it was Mexico? You'll find out later. But, it wasn't Mexico, it was the Malibu beach that is featured so often in film and television. I did not realize it at the time. To me it was just Mexico.

Anyway, X and I were walking down the beach and we were approached by the Federales who started questioning us about what we were doing on the beach as well as in Mexico. I replied in flawless Spanish that we were here on business and a vacation and we were to be returning to the States that afternoon. They then started asking X the same questions but she could not speak Spanish, and she started getting defensive with the authorities.

Guns were drawn, voices were raised, and the Federales pleaded with me to explain to my companion that if she did not calm down, they were going to be forced to shoot her.

I looked at them, looked at her, and thought about the situation and said:

"Shoot her."

Then I woke up.

For the first time, I think my mind is telling me something without any nuance.

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