Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What now?!?

"I have two grandchildren -- Maggie is 11, Robert is 9," Gingrich said at a church in Texas, according to Politico. "I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they're my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American."

How can it be both a secular nation and an Islamist nation at the same time?  This guy is a historian, right?  He was third in line for PotUS right?

It makes me happy to think that he may be the GOP nominee next year.


Edit at 6:08: Gingrich spokesman Rick Tyler e-mailed Salon to clarify that Newt was warning either atheists OR Islamists could take over America, not that the two will join forces. "'Or' should have come before the word 'potentially,'" Tyler wrote.

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