Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sometimes the simplest gifts are the best

As a gift for being part of Dan and Laura's wedding, the put together a gift bag for me, and this gift bag was the most amazing thing ever.

Beers and Books!

The Beers:
(Left to right)
Smuttynose Shoals Pale Ale (NH)
Heavy Seas Small Craft Warning Uber Pils (MD)
Erie Brewing's Railbender Ale (PA)
Framboise Lambic (Belgium)
Ommegang's Three Philosophers (NY)
Erie Brewing's Mad Anthony's American Pale Ale (PA)
Dogfish Head's Aprihop (DE)

The Books:
Zombie, Ohio
Charles Bukowski's Women

Why are these so amazing? Think about it for a minute...if you know me, this is a great weekend. Plus, Bukowski! I love Bukowski (and I have Erik to thank for that).


Beer and books. Craft beer and books is what I am all about and that with the exception of the Lambic, all the beers are made relatively locally and that makes me happy.

Local craft beer, good books, and that people to the time to understand what I love about life.

Amazing! Thank you, Dan & Laura.

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