Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Funky Drummer

That is because he was the featured player on "Funky Drummer," a 1970 single by James Brown whose 20-second drum solo has become, by most counts, the most sampled of all beats. It has been used hundreds of times, becoming part of the DNA of hip-hop, and in the late 1980s and early '90s it was the go-to sample for anyone looking to borrow some of hip-hop's sass (hence Kenny G.).

Yet Mr. Stubblefield's name almost fell through the cracks of history. The early rappers almost never gave credit or paid for the sample, and if they did, acknowledgement (and any royalties) went to Brown, who is listed as the songwriter.

Via the NY Times

And I think that MC Frontalot singing "Good Old Clyde" should be thanks enough, right?

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