Thursday, May 26, 2011

I am disgusted

"I do not want 16-​year-​old boys but younger. Fourteen-​year-​olds are O.K. Look for needy boys who have family issues," he allegedly said.

You know, a number of people, mostly women, have called me "a monster" in the past.  I can only assume that they were being perfectly serious when they said that.  I may have been a monster in some way, but this man is honestly a monster.

H/T to KC.


  1. You are a monster, he is a monster. There is no difference.

  2. Thank you for that. I am glad that you are taking the time to read and comment (anonymously even) even though you think that I am comparable to a child rapist.

  3. Seriously - anonymous commenters amuse me. What a douche.

  4. JT, if memory serves me correctly, you used that epithet in regard to me.

    And I am the douche, or the anonymous commenter? Or both, in just different ways?

  5. You do not have to bring your belief in magic into this, JT. It was a legitimate question. I am "worthless", remember?


Be nice. Sign your name.