Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What does NY-26 mean?

Even after evidence, I still think this means nothing.

Hear me out.

If it were a statewide election, one could make the argument that in populous states, it is a bellwether indicating a larger national mood but...

It is not.

This was from a Western District of New York and even if it wasn't part of the Western expanse, if it was in Congressman Weiner's district, it would not be indicative of the larger national mood.

Why? (Oh, edify me, please, you superficial douche)

Because any congressional district is so gerrymandered to make it useless in terms of gauging what the national mood is. A congressional district isn't even good at gauging the mood of the geographic area that it snakes through.

That is what I am saying and I am sticking to it.

That being said, FAU pointed out that what I am saying is wrong for this reason:

Even in a district (Jack Kemp's district) that was so gerrymandered to be safe for the most conservative of Republicans, the Republican lost. This indicates that the bread and butter of the GOP cannot be seen to support what has been a lost Congress so far. That the GOP plan for middle America is not reaching the voters of middle America and they have a lot of work to do before the general in the fall of 2012.

So, in the long run...what does NY-26 special mean?

Nothing for the general.

But it was like Fat Tuesday for political junkies.

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