Saturday, May 28, 2011

My return to poached eggs

It has been a little while since I had poached eggs, or breakfast out in general. I have been eating a lot of oatmeal at home in an attempt to be a little more healthy. I am also drinking tea at home instead of coffee. Yes, I am making these changes based on some small belief that I am going to live forever with the level of health that I have had for the bulk of my adult life. I kid. I want to be dead by 65 but oatmeal is filling while being low in calories and it tastes pretty good. The tea thing I cannot describe for any reason other than I made tea one morning and I have been sticking with it.

So, when Teacher Dave suggested that we get breakfast before Habitat on Friday, I knew that I wanted a poached egg.

Where to go?

Some of my suggestions were impractical due to parking issues but...Duncan's Dairy Bar was perfect.

I cannot remember the last time I was in Duncan's. Maybe when I was fourteen or fifteen? We are talking more than twenty years since I last had breakfast there.

Why I had I stopped going here? It was as good as I remembered.

Better than good, actually, is was a taste of home. What made it sublime? The fresh baked rye bread turned into great rye toast.

Yes, it is my usual. Rye toast, poached eggs and home fries, with black coffee. My sounded so good, Teacher Dave ordered the same thing.

I know that I have forgotten about Duncan's shouldn't.

Visit as soon at you can.

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