Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Random Things

  • I had three dreams (that I remember) last night.  One was pedestrian, one was a nightmare and the third was glorious. One person made an appearance in two of the three.  Guess the person and which dreams they were in and you win a cheap cigar.
  • I do not believe the NY-26 special is going to be a bellwether for the 2012 elections.  SRI can say what it wants about the motivation of the voters but according to TRMS from 5.23, expected voter turn out is less than 25%.   That means whoever is voting is part of the base and not the disaffected voter that both sides need at the point.  If NY-26 is a referendum about anything, it is not Medicare, it is about the necessity for Western NY to elect someone who isn't so creepy. (See Lee, Chris or Massa, Eric)  Plus, the folks of Western NY do not want the fate of the free world to rest on their shoulders.  
  • I am too young to be falling apart like this.
  • Could the lack of the Rapture be the reason that my indifference and misanthropy have increased?  Could the increase in my indifference and misanthropy be a good thing for me?
  • In an effort to broaden my mind and palate, I am now trying to drink tea in the morning instead of coffee.  I do not like tea as much, therefore I drink less which means much less caffeine.  This is not a badness.  I am better off when I am not as high strung as I have been.
  • Over the weekend, I found myself being blamed for something.  The ironic thing was that normally what I am being blamed for is right in my wheelhouse in terms of douchey behavior but in this case, I took great pains to ensure that I was not douchey and was being the type of friend that I can occasionally be.  You know...supportive, caring, interested, and concerned.  Actually, you probably do not know.  It is okay.  I am not any good at it.  However, it did make me rethink other relationships that I have had and allowed me to act with certain decisiveness.
  • There are people complaining about what the area needs on AoA.  At least no one has said "an Ethiopian restaurant" yet.  I did have a comment and it has been on the front of AoA for the past 24 hours or so.

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