Monday, May 23, 2011

Something Fun

While at Cheesecake Machismo over the weekend, I saw something that I had never ever come across and I am looking to you to find out more about it.

I saw the Winter 2008 (or 2009) edition of the Smalbanac.

Amazon has one from March 2010 but it seems to be more professionally produced than the one I saw at CM.

I feel like an idiot for not know about this before hand.  (Well, like more of an idiot.)


  1. the Institute of History and Art sells them in the gift store. i bought the one at the shop at Art on lark one year. the Museum sells the ones like the photo you've posted.

  2. Thank you, anonymous, I appreciate the information!

  3. you're welcome Ned! it's me, Lynn! haha

  4. Oh! Thank you, Lynn! (and thank you for the divine cheesecake!)


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