Sunday, May 22, 2011

Well, I am still here...

So, I guess there was not a Rapture. Who am I kidding? I would have been here for the End of Time anyway. I was, shockingly, looking forward to it.

Though it led to an interesting discussion over dinner. (Yaki Udon, for the record)

The discussion was about Bucket Lists. I did not think that I had a Bucket List, in terms of the things defined by the movie of the same name. There is nothing huge that I want to do. I have two or three things that I want, but they are fairly banal.

The two that I am willing discuss here are these:

I want to see TEA fall in love and be happy.

That being said, I also want to see him enjoy being a kid.

So, that is going to be a ways off. I am good with that.

There other thing that I want to happen is that I want to be moved to tears by a painting or a sculpture. I have witnessed people standing in front of a painting and crying and it created a feeling of jealousy in me. I want something to be so sublime that it moves me to tears. Did Cameron cry when he was looking at the Seurat at the Art Institute of Chicago?

There is one more but I doubt that is will ever happen and I am...afraid...of putting it out there.

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